Welcome to the Homepage and Resource Center for the Vancouver Island Bonsai Society
We are a non profit society dedicated to bonsai education and community
Here’s What’s Going On!
We meet on the 3rd Monday of every month at the Horticultural Center of the Pacific (505 Quayle Rd, Victoria, BC) at 7:00 in the Couvelier Pavilion
Next Meeting
Sept. 16 7:00
Meeting in the Main Pavilion at HCP 7:00
Topic: Talk with Bonsai Master David DeGroot
Upcoming Workshops
David De Groot Workshop
Sunday September 15 1-4
David DeGroot Workshop #2
Monday Sept. 16 1-4
Upcoming Meetings
September 16 7:00
Lecture with David De Groot
Topic TBA
Community Events
A busy year! Join us Next Year!
Bonsai HELP!
I was given a bonsai and don’t know what to do!
Bring your tree to our next meeting or
contact us for bonsai help.