

Thank you for taking the time to submit to the website or newsletter. It is the volunteers who enrich our society. It is you who make our website a destination and our newsletter rich enough to be distributed beyond our organisation.

Not sure what you can contrubute?

Have you a bonsai technique you do well? Is there something you have learned independently while working on bonsai that you think might enhance the experience of other members? Learn something you think some members don't know? It might be the subject of an interesting article. Book reviews are generally well received by members. Have you ever made a mistake with your bonsai - others may benefit from your experience. Send us pictures of your tree. Divulge one of your secret tree acquiring locations. Tell a story about bonsai or bonsai history. Write a bonsai poem. There are many ways to contribute - if you do please accept our thanks in advance!


All e-mails, articles and comments become property of the Vancouver Island Bonsai Society upon receipt and are subject to editing by the webmaster. Not all comments or posts will necessarily appear on the site due to space constraints.

Please e-mail all submissions to:              
