Sample Contractor Hold Harmless Agreement

When it comes to entering into a contractor-client relationship, establishing trust and accountability is paramount. One way to do so is through the use of a hold harmless agreement. This legal document helps protect both parties from liability and unexpected costs that may arise during the course of a project.

What is a hold harmless agreement?

A hold harmless agreement, also known as an indemnity agreement, is a legal contract that transfers risk from one party to another. In essence, it states that one party will hold the other harmless from any liability that may arise due to the work being performed.

A sample contractor hold harmless agreement typically includes the following provisions:

1. Scope of work: This section outlines the specific services or scope of work to be provided by the contractor.

2. Indemnification: The contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the client from any claims, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the work performed.

3. Limitation of liability: The agreement may contain limitations on the contractor`s liability, such as a cap on damages or exclusions for certain types of claims.

4. Insurance requirements: The contractor may be required to carry certain types of insurance, such as general liability insurance or professional liability insurance, to protect against potential claims.

5. Governing law and venue: The agreement may specify the governing law and forum for any disputes that may arise under the agreement.

Why is a hold harmless agreement important?

A hold harmless agreement provides several benefits for both parties in a contractor-client relationship:

1. Risk management: By transferring risk from one party to another, a hold harmless agreement helps protect both parties from unexpected costs or damages.

2. Clarity: A hold harmless agreement provides clarity on the parties` respective responsibilities and liabilities, reducing the likelihood of disputes or misunderstandings.

3. Protection: A hold harmless agreement provides legal protection for both parties, helping to ensure that they are not held liable for damages or claims that may be beyond their control.

4. Compliance: In certain industries, such as construction or healthcare, hold harmless agreements may be required by law or industry regulations.


A hold harmless agreement is an important tool for managing risk and establishing accountability in a contractor-client relationship. By transferring risk from one party to another and outlining clear responsibilities and liabilities, a hold harmless agreement helps protect both parties and reduce the likelihood of disputes. A sample contractor hold harmless agreement should be carefully crafted to ensure that it meets the specific needs and requirements of the parties involved.