Changes to Gp Contract 2020/21

The new general practitioner (GP) contract for 2020/21 has been announced and it brings some major changes for the primary care sector.

One of the biggest changes is the introduction of a new service called Structured Medication Reviews (SMRs). This service will allow pharmacists to undertake medicines-related consultations with patients who have complex medication needs. The service will be funded by NHS England and it is expected to reduce GP workload while ensuring safer prescribing.

Another significant change is the expansion of the GP workforce. This will be achieved through the creation of a new role called the Physician Associate (PA) and the expansion of the Clinical Pharmacist role. PAs are medical professionals who work under the supervision of a doctor and perform tasks such as taking medical histories, performing physical examinations and diagnosing illnesses. The expansion of the Clinical Pharmacist role will allow pharmacists to work more closely with GPs in managing patients with multiple medications and long-term conditions.

Other changes include the introduction of a new Quality Improvement (QI) module, which will allow practices to receive financial incentives for delivering high-quality care. Practices will also be required to implement a new Digital Care Services Specification, which aims to improve the quality and availability of digital services for patients.

In addition, the contract includes changes to the funding formula for GP practices. This is designed to address the funding inequality between practices in different parts of the country and better reflect the needs of local populations.

From an SEO perspective, it is important to use relevant keywords and phrases in any content related to the GP contract changes. These could include “Structured Medication Reviews”, “Physician Associate”, “Clinical Pharmacist”, “Quality Improvement module”, and “Digital Care Services Specification”. Including these keywords in headings and subheadings can help to improve the visibility of the content in search engine results pages.

Overall, the 2020/21 GP contract brings significant changes to the primary care sector. These changes aim to improve patient care, reduce GP workload and address funding inequalities. Practices will need to adapt quickly to the new requirements in order to deliver high-quality care and receive financial incentives.